Party Ring Rocky Road

Party Ring Rocky Road

Party Ring Rocky Road

I love this easy tray bake recipe for birthday treats, weekend afternoons and for other special celebrations.

You will need

Party Rings~ the mini ones ideally

A packet of rich tea biscuits

2 medium bars of white chocolate

Mini mellows

Happy Baking!

Let’s get started…

Break the white chocolate into small chunks and melt in a heat proof dish over a low heat. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl is not touching the water as it melts the chocolate.

Roughly cut/snap approximately 8 rich tea biscuits into small chunks.

Snap the party rings into halves. Save some rings for the decoration at the end. yum.

Give the chocolate a stir and remove from the heat once it’s smooth.

Add the rich tea biscuits, halved party rings and mix until coated in chocolate. Add extra rich tea if preferred.

The last step is to pour in the mini mellows and gently mix.

Pour the mixture into a square based baking tin.

Pop in the fridge to chill for 1-2 hours.

*tip. Before cutting, allow the tray bake to reach room temperature. It will be easier to slice and bite into for little ones.

Photographs~ Victoria Sprinkles Baking Blog

5 thoughts on “Party Ring Rocky Road

    1. Ah that’s so kind, thank you. Party rings take me back to childhood memories at primary school too, you can’t beat an old classic! Lots of nostalgia in a simple biscuit, lovely isn’t it xx

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